Ragsdale Family Photos

Click on each of the pictures to enlarge.

You are welcome to copy and save any of these photos for your own personal use.  If, however, you will be using them for publication, please note the source from which they came. (Connie Lynn Ragsdale)

The Majority of these photos were given to me by Rose Etta Ragsdale.

The people in most of these photos were identified by her.  If you notice a mistake I have made in the identification of any of the photos, please feel free to notify me.

If you have photos you would like to add, please e-mail to




George Washington and Amanda

Ladd Ragsdale with children.

Earnest sitting on George's lap and

John standing in the back.

Left to Right

Top Row

Lilly Millsaps, May Collins, Effie Pellham

Middle Row

Mary Collins, Clearsie Millsaps,

Roxie Pellham, Pete Collins

Bottom Row

Jr Williams, Etta Pellham,

Ava Fern Millsaps (sitting on Etta's Lap)

Abe Collins (head down),

Bernice Williams (standing behind Abe),

Nettie Pellham


John Nathan Pellham


John Ragsdale

Joseph Earnest Ragsdale

Nettie, Roxie, and Etta Pellham

1937 or 1938

James Willard and Rose Etta

Pellham Ragsdale

Wedding day Feb 19, 1939

George Franklin, James Willard,

and Rose Etta Pellham Ragsdale

Wedding day Feb 19, 1939

Roxie Adeline Collins Pellham

August 1958

Left to Right

Top Row

Vernon, Etta, Willard, Gwenna Jo

Middle Row

Lowell, Betty, Johnny L.

Bottom Row


James Willard Ragsdale

Willard and Etta Ragsdale

Willard and Gwenna Jo

plowing with "Ol' Tom" the mule.

Etta and Willard Ragsdale with

Grandchildren Connie Lynn, Kathy Jo,

and Johnny Dale Ragsdale

William Howard "Taft" and

Ruby Warren Pellham

Left to Right

Roxie Collins Pellham,

Effie Pellham Gunter,

Rose Etta Pellham Ragsdale

Roxie Pellham with

Great Grandchildren

Johnny Lynn and Pirley Nan

Harris Ragsdale


Johnny, Pirley, and

Connie Lynn Ragsdale

James Willard Ragsdale

Left to Right

Connie, Johnny L., Kathy Jo,

and Johnny D. Ragsdale

Connie Lynn and Johnny Dale


Connie Lynn Ragsdale

Willard and Etta Ragsdale

George Washington Ragsdale

Amanda Ladd Ragsdale

Rose Etta Ragsdale,

Roxie Collins Pellham Holding

Amanda Walters, and

Betty Lois Ragsdale Walters

Ragsdale house on Pilot Rock Road

(Still standing). Ernest, Amanda,

James Willard,  George

Washington, and John Ragsdale. 

2 of Sarah Ladd George's

Children and Sarah.

Thomas Ragsdale.  Killed by

Harvey Lovelady on 2/27/1905.

Etta Pellham Ragsdale and

Nettie Pellham Millsaps.


Howard Church on Pilot Rock

Road.  (Burned)

Robert Larry and Janice Lucille

Millsaps, Roxie Pellham, Willard

Ragsdale, Mary and Tom Lee,

Lena Brown, Betty Ragsdale,

Lena's Mother, Eudola Ragsdale

(standing in front of Tom) and

Gwenna Ragsdale Standing in

front of Lena's Mother.